Heavy Feet! 18 Month Update

Josie is now 18 months old. Here's an update... First, the most exciting news: At the last weigh-in with Dr. Wilkens (pediatrician), we finally saw the curve on the growth charts move up! Josie gained one pound and her head circumference increased by one centimeter! One lb./cm might not sound like a lot, but this hasn't happened in nearly 9 months! I would stand by that scale like a contestant on The Wheel of Fortune afraid of landing on Lose a Turn. Month after month, I'd wait for the digital number to hold steady and when it finally does, it always read between 16.8 - 17.5. How was this possible? Pat Sajak shakes his head like, sorry dude. Well, she is now 18.7 pounds, 30 inches tall, and her head is 43cm. That is still below the charts for weight and head, but seeing the line on the chart move diagonally upward and not horizontal is all that matters - we're in the game - on our way to solving the puzzle. For height, she is actually on the charts - about 8%. Su...