Science, I Thought That I Could Help.

What would inspire me to come back to this blog after nearly four years since my last post? A Facebook comment of course. A friend from elementary school commented on a Facebook photo of me and Josie, "I miss your blog." Those four words really hit me. I needed them. I loved keeping this blog. I wish I hadn't stopped because this journey sure could use some real-time journaling! So, I'm back. Anyway, remember when I was just searching for Josie's diagnosis? Remember when there were only 93 people known in the world with FOXG1 syndrome? Remember when the geneticist didn't really know what FOXG1 was? Well, fast forward to today and it's a different story. There are now about 900 people known with FOXG1 syndrome. Introducing the FOXG1 Research Foundation. I did mention in my last post in 2017 that I launched the FOXG1 Research Foundation along with the yin to my yang, Nasha Fitter and a team of amazing FOXG1 parents. Four years later and we are the gl...