I See You... in Pittsburg

We took another road trip this week - to Steelers Country. As if I care about football. I don't, but that's a shout out to Uncle Peter. So we went to see Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy, who is one of the few experts in Cortical Vision Impairment (CVI). She actually wrote the book . I made this appointment in September so needless to say, I was very excited to finally meet her. Josie was diagnosed with CVI at around 9 months. It's actually amazing to me that the first opthamalogist we went to did tell me it's her brain and not her "vision" (the structure of her eyes are fine), but she never told me about CVI. The second opthamologist handed me a one-pager with the definition of CVI, but never discussed the importance of tackling it immediately with CVI-specific vision therapy. The next two eye doctors had nothing CVI-specific to tell me either. The fact is that a child with CVI has a great chance of overcoming most of the challenges if they engage in the corre...