This is happening : An overdue update!

It's been too long since I've posted and I have so much to share! 1. So, after I wrote the last post saying that Josie hadn't had a seizure since Dec. 30th, she had one the next day. Go figure. That was in early February. She had another in early March. That's two seizures in the past three months! And to be honest, the second one is questionable whether it was a seizure or not. Two mild seizure in three months is an incredible thing to report. Since her seizures started in April of 2014, she averaged four a week. For the first six months, they were often grand mal seizures. As anyone who has been following this blog knows, we had been continuously adding and changing her meds to find the right cocktail to stop them. As I said in the last post, I'm crediting this to good 'ol marijuana! Who would've thought the one thing that saves my child's brain is the very thing kids grow up being told to stay away from. I swear I may go to Jamaica and pray to...