Good Morning Little School Girl

Today is momentous. I am writing this from the second floor, in the boardroom aka "the parents waiting room," of the Little Village School while Josie is downstairs in her Kindergarten classroom. Josie's first day of school. Josie's first day away from home. Throughout 2014, when Josie's seizures were bad, really bad, and we were in and out of the hospital, it was hard for me to envision this day. The idea of handing her over to spend the day without us nearby, or without her Janny (Janice/nanny) was unfathomable. And here we are. I'm sitting in this boardroom alone, surprisingly. I guess it's not every child's very first day away from home. Yup, this is my first rodeo. People from the school, including the school director, have been coming in to give me reports. "Josie is doing great, she's laughing hysterically at animals noises." Obviously, who doesn't laugh when adults make animal noises? Josie's new PT just came b...