Time After Time

"When you're lost, you can look and you will find me... time after time." It's been a long time since I've written here. Over a year. I haven't abandoned Josie's Journey blog. Maybe I've just been too busy living Josie's journey that I haven't stopped to write about it. Or maybe every time I sat down to, I just didn't know where to start. To use the cliche that we were forbidden to use when I worked at CNN: what a difference a year makes! Cliche or not, it's so damn true. Or is it? If you think I'm going to say Josie is now walking and talking and completing the Sunday New York Times crossword, well.. a year didn't make that much difference, but here's a brief recap of what we've missed in this lil 'ol blog: - Josie is in her second year of school! First grade, baby! She loves it. - Josie got a g-tube (feeding tube) in June. I was holding off with this for as long as I could, but it has been the greatest t...