Thank You Henry.

If I only had two words to describe what it was like to grow up in Port Washington, I would say: Henry Stanziale. Man, did I adore Henry. Everyone did. Henry brought live music and so much fun into my life from an early age. He was—hands down—the coolest kid in high school: star lax player, the best musician, the most fun, SO CUTE, and so nice to everyone. He was truly a creative genius, and I got to be one of his companions on this ride. Henry was the guy who got everyone together and created the games for us all to play. As Rich just said to me, “Henry created the games, and you were his muse,” because I was right there creating the games with him. Anyone remember our Wheel of Fortune using his backyard table umbrella as the wheel? “The Club” or "Club Stanz" was the name of the Stanziale basement, where we basically lived. Every Wednesday, I’d rush there for 90210/Melrose . Thursday was “Must See TV” at the Club. At Christmastime, Henry loved showin...