
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing...

That's another Jack Johnson song. We're in a bit of a holding pattern now as we wait for the results from the Whole Exome Sequencing test. Any doctor we see now says there isn't much they can say until we get those results. We saw Dr. Magana this week - a pediatric endochronologist at Winthrop. He did Josie's measurements and the good news was that her height is actually on the charts, but her weight is still way below the "growth rate" charts. She gained 3 pounds since last december (2012). We talked a little about growth hormones, but she would have to be three years old, so we have a year before we need to think about that. She is still showing signs of progression. No milestones yet, but she is bringing her legs up to her belly now and she even rolled over a few times all by herself. Of course, not when I was looking, but we have witnesses. She is pushing her pelvis up by her legs, which is new. And she is so so happy. We spent 10 days in Florida o...

As long as one and one is two..

That's a line from the Paul Simon song "Father and Daughter." Josie just turned two! It was two years ago on the day before Thanksgiving when we were blessed with the greatest gift. Our little girl, Josie, was born. We knew she would bring so much love to our family, just like her brother, but we didn’t know how much she would teach us. Josie, our mama pajama, jojo beanie, lollipop, and countless other names, is our constant reminder that some of the greatest challenges in life can also be the greatest sources of joy. My world has grown so much larger in these past two years. This little bundle of pure love has shown us so much.


Josie is starting to scoot! She's going through a developmental growth spurt right now! Tonight she moved her little body more than she ever has! She can move herself in a circle around the mat and she's starting to inch forward! We took off her pants to make it easier for her. Try to resist the urge to bite that little tushie. Look how determined she is to get that ball! Josie is also doing better in her walker (gait trainer) every day. She walks backwards in it a little and even takes a few steps forward with a little help. It's definitely helping her gain strength in her legs. We saw a new neurologist last week, Dr. Molofsky at Beth Israel in NYC, and he commented that her legs are strong. That was a first! As far as our visit with him, he was a really nice and clearly a very smart neurologist, but he didn't have any answers for us. His recommendation was to do the whole exome sequencing test, which we've already done. Anyway, Josie is impressing me so ...

Whole Exome Sequencing

First, the email I sent out brought us so many connections. We have a list of doctors we want to see and new avenues to take. Thank you to those who went out of their way to help us and even just to reach out to me. It means more than I can express here. Last week, we saw Dr. Iglesias , Pediatric Geneticist at Columbia University Children's Hospital. It's actually called Morgan Stanely Children's Hospital. Anyway, he was great. He spent a long time with us, discussing everything we needed to discuss. I went there knowing I was interested in doing the Whole Exome Sequencing test for Josie and that is what we did. Whole Exome Sequencing has not even been around for a year. It is a breakthrough in science that is leading to the discovery of many undiagnosed genetic disorders. In simple terms, the test looks at every single gene in the genome - all 21,000 - and can tell us which, if any, have anything wrong. Then they can compare that information to the database and s...

This is Josie!!

If you're having a bad day and you're feeling blue, just watch this video. Josie's laughter is contagious!!

Casting a wider net...

I sent out this email (text below) to friends and family to cast a wider net in our search to help Josie. Thank you to my sister-in-law, Jen for the suggestion. The emails I'm getting already are so heart-warming and helpful. To anyone reading this, thank you. The idea of this email is to help us find help for our daughter, Josie. We figure the more people we talk about Josie with, the more likely we are to find the doctor or person who can say, "I've seen this before." We're casting a wide net. As of today, Sept. 14, 2013, Josie is one week away from being 22 months old. She is developmentally about 5 months old. Josie's symptoms/diagnosis are: Global Developmental Delay. Hypotonia (severe), and CVI Cortical Vision Impairment. She cannot sit up unassisted, roll over, or perform anything above those milestones. Her head circumference is below the charts, and now her weight and height are hovering below the charts as well - although she has gained a ...

Hold My Breath

Oh the irony of this song/blog title! "Hold My Breath," a song by a band I love called Holy Ghost! (The exclamation point is actually part of the band's name). We just saw them, in Montauk, last Saturday night a few hours after returning from three days at Stonybrook Hospital. We were in the hospital, basically because Josie Held Her Breath. At around 2:50pm Thursday August 15th, Josie was in her crib napping. She suddenly woke up screaming/crying. I was sitting on the front porch on the phone and Janice, our nanny, was in the bathroom just across from Josie's room. Neither one of us ever heard Josie scream like this before. I hung up and ran inside. Janice saw her in her crib, screaming with her arms and legs stretched out stiff. She picked her up and met me in the living room. I grabbed Josie and was petrified to see this screaming. It was like she saw the devil in front of her. Her arms and legs were stiff and she wouldn't stop. I called 911. At that ti...