
Peaceful Easy Feeling

I'm afraid to write this, but I'm going to put superstition aside and share the good news that Josie has not had a seizure since December 30th, 2015. Yup! This is her longest seizure-free stretch since they started in April of 2014. It could be due to the CBD oil. She's still on a pretty heavy arsenal of meds on top of the CBD oil, but I do believe it's the CBD oil that's helping the most. Ain't that kind of funny, Mom? Soon, we may try dosing down on some of the other meds to see if we can reduce them. That would be fantastic. It gives me such a "peaceful easy feeling" to think of Josie being seizure-free. Her brain is calm and she can move forward cognitively without being set back over and over again. Of course, that post title is a tribute to Glen Frey. May you rest in peace. And may the great David Bowie and Maurice White also rest in peace. Sigh. No more for a while, please! Some recent photos for your cuteness pleasure... Oh those pigt

The "R" word

"What a retard." "Are you retarded?" I hear the word used all the time. Many of my friends say it. People I'm related to say it. I've even heard another special needs mom say it. Yes, I hate it. But, no, I don't blame the people who use it so freely. It's just the way they (we) grew up. I've said it my fair share in the past. It was probably part of my regular vernacular for a while. It's always been a commonly used word and some people just use it more than others. I cringe. I want to tell the person not to say it around me. And if you're close enough to me, I will tell you not to say it. The real reason I'll tell you is not just because I find it offensive, but when you say it, it's clear that you really don't know any better. And as an adult, or even a kid, in 2016, you should know better. Look around and see the rise of children with autism and other conditions and disabilities. Chances are, your family member,