
We just celebrated Josie's fourth birthday! Our Thanksgiving gift.

Josie loves to celebrate her birthday, kind of like her mama. We celebrate all month. And why not?

On November 23rd, we joined my beautiful friend and spiritual angel, Macha Einbender, for her weekly meditation held at the historic, Sands Point Preserves castle. Macha led the small group through a guided mediation and centered it on Josie. We visualized Josie running around the most beautiful field next to a body of water, where dolphins swam.

I love to visualize what Josie will do one day. I believe in it. My sister had a poster on her bedroom wall growing up with a picture of two feet, pointed in worn out ballet slippers. It said, "If you can imagine it, you can achieve it, if you can achieve it, you can become it." That was the one quote I saw every day, not to be diluted with the millions of quotes we see every day on Instagram and Facebook. I feel like the quotes on social media walk me through my life. They seem to say what I need to hear (or read) at the exact moment I need it. But growing up, that was the one quote I knew so well. It taught me to believe and to visualize or "imagine" the outcome.

Josie was still during the meditation. She sat up against me, and my mom took a turn sitting with her too. At one point, when we let out a deep breath, Josie exhaled and sighed. She was in it.

On Thanksgiving we celebrated with family, as we always do. It's the best. Josie was really excited to see everyone, and especially to cuddle with her cousin, Macy.

And mommy and daddy got out for a night of fun!! We went to see one of my favorite bands (ever) My Morning Jacket at the Beacon Theater! They are just so so good and man, I am so grateful to be able to spend my time with my kids, my family, my friends, and music.

Thank you universe.... I've got the whole world in my hands....

And to stick with my theme of the post titles being related to music, Four by Blues Traveler was one of my favorite albums in the mid '90s. "Look Around" - what a song. John Popper once handed me his harmonica. How cool is that? I've given it to Tanner for him to learn on. He realizes how special it is.


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